Time Magazine Interview on California Fires

I was recently interviewed by Time Magazine on the 2017 California wildfire season.  The combination of high precipitation in the winter promoting much fine fuel growth, the long period since last significant rainfall and the high summer temperatures being experiences in Southern California have produced a dangerous situation.  The main unknown in the equation isContinue reading “Time Magazine Interview on California Fires”

Seal Beach Earthquake Study in the News

Evidence for coseismic subsidence events in a southern California coastal saltmarsh Our lab collaborated on a recent paleoseismology at the Seal Beach Marsh using foraminifera to identify subsidence events related to the Newport-Inglewood fault.  The study was published in Nature.com/Scientific Reports and drew coverage in the Los Angeles Times.  Rob Leeper, formerly USGS and nowContinue reading “Seal Beach Earthquake Study in the News”

International Press Coverage on Drought Study

Wow! Our drought study – MacDonald, G. M., Moser, K.A., Bloom, A. M., Potito, A.P., Porinchu, D.F., Holmquist, J.R., Hughes, J. and Kremenetski, K.V. 2016. Prolonged California aridity linked to climate warming and Pacific sea surface temperature. Nature.Com/Sci. Rep. 6, 33325;  http://www.nature.com/articles/srep33325 – garnered international press coverage in print, online, television and radio. It wasContinue reading “International Press Coverage on Drought Study”

New Study on Drought by MacDonald Lab

I was the lead author on a new study of California drought based on using lake sediment records from the Sierra Nevada to look at how past climate warming has impacted the Pacific Ocean and California hydroclimate. This work took many years and was a real team effort between the MacDonald Lab’s graduate students andContinue reading “New Study on Drought by MacDonald Lab”

Quoted in Los Angeles Daily News Story on California Fires

Here is a story from the Los Angeles Daily News with some thoughts on the California wildfires this year and the resources needed to fight them. Give it a read – http://www.dailynews.com/government-and-politics/20160725/as-the-sand-fire-rages-on-heres-why-la-county-still-doesnt-have-superscoopers

Glen MacDonald Quoted on Marketplace Regarding Climate Change and Wild Fires

I was quoted on Marketplace today regarding climate change and wild fires. You can read (and listen) to the story here  – http://www.marketplace.org/2016/05/16/world/fire-season-arrives-could-be-hottest-year-ever