Quoted in Mercury Newspaper Article on Sea Level and South SF Bay

Here is a new article in the San Jose Mercury News with some quotes based on our new work on sea level rise and marshes in the southern San Francisco Bay. How Drawbridge is drowning — and what it means for our future How Drawbridge is drowning — and what it means for our futureContinue reading “Quoted in Mercury Newspaper Article on Sea Level and South SF Bay”

Our Study of Vanishing Marshes Makes National Headlines

The study of sea level rise and coastal marshes that we recently published in Science Advances has made national headlines – appearing in 17 different media venues from print to broadcast including a front page article in the Los Angeles Times .  Check it out using the links here.

LA Weekly on Our New PLoS 1 Paper regarding Climate Change and Fire

LA Weekly published and article on our new PLoS 1 paper on climate change in California and the Southwest. http://www.laweekly.com/news/study-probes-connection-between-climate-change-fires-8766855 You can see the scientific paper here – http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0186282 Loisel J, MacDonald GM, Thomson MJ (2017) Little Ice Age climatic erraticism as an analogue for future enhanced hydroclimatic variability across the American Southwest. PLoS ONEContinue reading “LA Weekly on Our New PLoS 1 Paper regarding Climate Change and Fire”

Time Magazine Interview on California Fires

I was recently interviewed by Time Magazine on the 2017 California wildfire season.  The combination of high precipitation in the winter promoting much fine fuel growth, the long period since last significant rainfall and the high summer temperatures being experiences in Southern California have produced a dangerous situation.  The main unknown in the equation isContinue reading “Time Magazine Interview on California Fires”

Seal Beach Earthquake Study in the News

Evidence for coseismic subsidence events in a southern California coastal saltmarsh Our lab collaborated on a recent paleoseismology at the Seal Beach Marsh using foraminifera to identify subsidence events related to the Newport-Inglewood fault.  The study was published in Nature.com/Scientific Reports and drew coverage in the Los Angeles Times.  Rob Leeper, formerly USGS and nowContinue reading “Seal Beach Earthquake Study in the News”

AAG Presidential Column – Creating and Preserving Actionable and Policy-Relevant Geography

Creating and Preserving Actionable and Policy-Relevant Geography news.aag.org/2017/01/creating-and-preserving-actionable-and-policy-relevant-geography/ 1/29/2017 Ensconced in our academic environs, as students or as faculty, we are sometimes accused of being removed and aloof from the issues of the real world and our research regarded as being of purely scholarly interest. Indeed, there are times for many of us that thisContinue reading “AAG Presidential Column – Creating and Preserving Actionable and Policy-Relevant Geography”